Did Stranger Things Rip Off Beyond 2 Souls?

Did Stranger Things Rip Off Beyond 2 Souls?

I know you read this title and thought either this man is crazy, or you have no idea what Beyond 2 Souls is. Well, I would not blame you for never hearing of it. Up until about four days ago, I had not heard of it, either. Beyond 2 Souls is a PS3 Game made by Quantic Dream, the same people who made another great story-based game known as Heavy Rain. Now, I assume most of you know the plot of the first two seasons of Stranger Things, so I won't really get into it. Instead, let's get into how we can compare Beyond 2 Souls and Stranger Things.

 In Beyond 2 Souls, you play as a girl named Jodie. You play through her childhood to her late teens and twenties. Jodie is a female who has an entity in her known as Aiden ( I know that isn't like Eleven from Stranger things, but wait). With Aiden’s, the power she can control (well he controls, but you get it) move objects, take control of other people, and force choke (getting his Vader on). As we progress through the story, her “parents” leave her in a place where she can be watched and experimented on (remind you of someone?). The two main scientists are Nathan & Cole. Through the story, Nathan would get obsessed with the other side of the world (their version of the Upside Down), because he lost his wife and daughter, and the longing to see them caused a scary obsession. Cole is that authority figure who has a soft spot for Jodie and would put his own life and well being at risk for her. Now, there is something that makes Jodie’s story a little different from Stranger Things. She was forced to join the CIA and was used to assassinate people that were issues for the USA.  Back to the comparisons though- and this one is gonna scare you. Halfway through the game, Jodie finds out from Cole that her real mom is in a wacky shack because Jodie was taken away from her at birth. The reason is that she was expected to have those powers. Her mom was heavily sedated by the CIA so she could never expose the secret. Jodie, with help from Cole, would break in to finally meet her mother- and just in like Stranger Things- the only way they could communicate was in the other world (Getting scary, huh). Throughout the whole game, other countries in our world keep opening rifts to the other world, wanting to use it for Military advantages. Jodie, of course, is forced to stop it.

Theory: I think Stranger Things is just tv adaption of Beyond 2 souls and Jodie was the first experiment. I think the story Eleven in stranger things is the aftermath of Jodie not being able to save the world and so now Eleven has that task. Many people have speculated that Eleven is just Jodie but i doubt that because i think after Jodie saved the world in Beyond 2 souls the CIA wiped the memory of not only Jodie but the whole.

Conclusion: It sure does seem that both of these are very similar to each other. Both go by the same plot device and have identical moments and parts in their own stories. Did Stranger Things rip off Beyond 2 Souls and get away with it? After all this info and seeing both seasons and playing through Beyond 2 Souls, I firmly believe this is no coincidence. I feel Stranger things is just the TV series adaption of the game, but changed enough to not get sued.  Let me know what you think in the comments below and IF you haven't played the game, then go do it.  The game is very well acted with celebs like Ellen Page and William Dafoe- who are brilliant in it


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