Sony Releasing A Playstation Classic

Sony Releasing A Playstation Classic

Well, it finally happened Sony did what Nintendo has been doing and have made a classic full of Nostalgia. Just like the NES & SNES classic The PlayStation classic will be preloaded with 20 games. Not all 20 games have been confirmed but Sony has released a few games that will make it on the console which include Final Fantasy VII, Tekken 3, Jumping Flash, Ridge Racer Type 4, and Wild Arms. 

The PlayStation Classic will come with 20 games, 2 classic-styled PlayStation controllers, an HDMI cable, and a power cable all for a price of $99. If you want this I would preorder this quickly as I fully expect this will sell out very fast. The PlayStation Classic is set to release in November and I am fully excited for it. 

A few games I would like them to add are Metal Gear Solid ( The game that helped sell Playstations) Final Fantasy Tactics, Crash Team Racing, Resident Evil 3, and so many more I can name. The price might be higher than most classics but I do think it will be worth the full price.

If you want to watch the Reveal trailer make sure to click Here. Sony has so many PlayStation games to choose from and I cannot wait to see what the library has in store for us. 


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