NBA Live 19 Early Review

NBA Live 19 Early Review Well, September 26th we saw EA release the Demo for NBA Live 19 which in theory plays as a beta. I played this beta for 3 days as I wanted to try everything So let's get cracking shall we? Pros - The story presentation generally was refreshing as you can just jump right into it. -The gameplay motions look crisp and realistic - The great voices of NBA Players made me feel immersed in the story - The look of the game is just so amazing and i do think it beats 2K in that aspect - The opening legend game you play sets a good atmosphere - Love how the WNBA players were shown so much love this year Cons - The demo was very buggy (gameplay wise) - Just wish the archetypes could have been more put together - The Online live run was very hard to get into and kept crashing - They just need more shooting types because everyone shoots the same NBA Live 19 is a far improvement from NBA Live 1...