Ill Mind Of The Jacksonville Shooting
Ill Mind Of The Jacksonville Shooting
A couple days ago at a Madden 19 tournament qualifier the unthinkable happened. During the qualifiers in Jacksonville, Florida David Katz who competed in it took a gun killing 4 innocent people and hurting 11 people. After all of that, it was reported by multiple sourced that he killed himself before he could be detained.
He had a long history of a mental illness and this appeared to be his breaking point. Since then the media has outlay a message that points the blame on a mental disorder and the "Violence of video games" The reason why I'm doing this in a blog is for that very same reason.
Reports say he had a low-grade form of depression and I feel for him deeply, it seemed he went to that tournament with an endgame. Either he wins or people die with his death following, Apart me thinks he mentally snapped and fired the first shot and panicked. Whatever his reason is I don't think the blame should be on "Mental disorder" I do feel for any pain he had in his life but there is no reason to kill innocent people who had no effect on his previous life. Those 4 people who died were helpless and innocent and they have family who had to get the bad phone call we all dread.
Maybe David needed help, maybe he tried asking? we will never actually know but what I do know is the media is using a copout when they blame video games. It feels like everytime someone dies the first thing they pin it on is "The violence of video games" The media has such a hard-on for that narrative. Sometimes people are just done with life, some people are just evil, and some people just want to watch people die. All these school shootings and mass shootings, in general, are getting out of hand.
Who is to blame for all these mass and school shootings? Is it Guns? No, Is it mental disorders? No, is it video games? No, its simple I blame the parents and surroundings, I don't even blame the bully, As a parent, you're supposed to protect your child and guide them. So many parents know their kid is being bullied and do nothing. I see parents who see a kid with Bipolar and make them outcasts like they don't deserve to be loved. Parents I beg you for the love of this world pay attention to your kids, get to know your kids, protect your kids, stop sitting back and watching them hurt, watching them suffer, watching them snap. Kids need love and people need love and together as a country, we should be standing up together and not letting anything divide us.
Before I end this I want to send my thoughts to the victims of the shootings and I for one would never want to lose someone like that. Always make sure you're there for people because you never know when someone is dying on the inside. everyone is worth saving and everyone is special we just as humans have to get the message out there.
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