Who Won The Console War This Generation? Xbox One Or Playstation 4

Who Won The Console War This Generation? Xbox One Or PlayStation 4

In the world of gaming we have this problem, in reality, it has turned down into an issue with every game release. Is there even a console war? Well kinda, Microsoft and Sony could care less about a "war" as both companies are just trying to make the most money. The war comes from fans who either Just own an Xbox One or a PlayStation 4 who berate the other system. In this blog, I will be running down the pros and cons of both systems and see who actually won. 

Before we talk about the console war I figured we have to talk about the Nintendo Switch. The Switch was released very late in the generation with a March 2017 release. The Switch brought respect back to the Nintendo name and since its release, it has been selling like hot cakes as it became the fastest selling console in Japan. The Switch has had third party support with games like Doom, Wolfenstein 2, & Skyrim coming to the console. The Switch had great releases in Zelda: Breath Of The Wild & Mario Odyssey which were 2 of the best games in 2017.  Nintendo has struck gold with the Switch and I will say it might be the best console of 2017 and it has been having a great 2018 as well. 

The Xbox One came out in Late 2013 it came with launch titles including Call Of Duty: Ghosts, Battlefield 4, Zumba Party, Zoo Tycoon, Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag, Crimson Dragon, Dead Rising 3, FIFA 14, Fighter Within, Forza Motorsport 5, Just Dance 2014, Killer Instinct, Lego Marvel Super Heroes, Lococycle, Madden 25, NBA 2k14, NBA Live 14, Need For Speed Rivals, Powerstar Golf, Ryse : Son Of Rome,  & Skylanders: Swap Force. 

In all of those games, only Forza Motorsport 5, Killer Instinct, & Ryse: Son Of Rome were exclusives. The lack of exclusives will be what defined Xbox this generation and it has hurt their console sales. When I look back at this generation I look at Cuphead, Gears Of War 4, Halo 5, & Sunset Overdrive as they only exclusives that would help their sales. Xbox sells itself on its hardware and I will admit the Xbox One X has the hardware to beat any console ever but without the exclusives and the games not many people will care enough to buy an Xbox One X. 

Xbox  One Pros

- Great Hardware
-  Xbox Game Pass = Good Fan Service 
- Great In-Game Dashboard
- Good Support to Indie Games
- Backward Compatible is better than i expected

Xbox One Cons 

- The Lack Of Good Exclusives 
- Xbox Games With Gold never fully delivers
- Too Many Consoles in the generation 

The PlayStation 4 was released in Late 2013 and was 100 dollars cheaper than the Xbox One. If we went by sales the PlayStation 4 destroyed Xbox One in this generation. The list of PS4 Launch titles also is better than Xbox One as the following came out on day one. Angry Birds: Star Wars,  Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag, Battlefield 4, Call Of Duty: Ghosts, Blacklight Retribution, Cotrast, DC Universe Online, Flower, FIFA 14, Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition, Just Dance 2014, Killzone Shadow Fall, NBA 2K14., NBA Live 14, Madden 25, Knack, Need For Speed Rivals, Resogun, Sound Shapes, Skylanders : Swap Forces, Trail 2, & Warframe. 

The PS4 had more launch titles and actually quite a few good games like Killzone Shadow Fall and Warframe which I still play to this day. The PlayStation 4 exclusive list is where they win it as they have come out with games like God Of War, Spiderman, Bloodborne, Horizon Zero Dawn, Detroit Become Human, Infamous Second son, Persona 5, and so much more. 

PlayStation 4 Pros

- Great Exclusives 
- Cheaper Price Than Xbox One
- Good Multiplayer Support
- PS Plus delivers on a better base than Xbox Games With Gold

PlayStation 4 Cons 

- Lack Of Backwards Compatibility
- PlayStation Network does have times where it goes down for full days

So who wins the console war? That is a subjective opinion on what you care about more. If you care more about Hardware and older games than Xbox will be the console for you. But if you love great new games and a better multiplayer support than Playstation4 was the winner. Personally, I have both consoles and I use the Xbox One for older games and I have fun but I never buy new games for it as PS4 wins in that market. 

You make the decision what Console was your go-to console for the last 5 years and why did you choose that one? I came to PS4 in early 2017 all because of The Uncharted series and I have been in love with the system since then. No opinion is wrong here all about preference. Leave a comment or tweet at me at Foon_Ty on your preference. 


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