Flashback Review : TNA Impact 2005 (First Episode On Spike TV)
Flashback Review : TNA Impact 2005 (First Episode On Spike TV)
TNA started back in 2002 by doing weekly PPVS and was never supposed to get past that. 3 years later after a great product with a growing fan base we saw Spike TV give then a chance of the lifetime. This right here is the full review of the first ever episode to air on Spike TV.
The show kicks off with a great intro that shows new fans What they should expect by watching TNA and they run down and hype up some of their top stars. We come to the show with Mike Tenay really putting over that TNA is the real alternative to WWE.
1. Singles Match
AJ Styles Vs Roderick Strong
AJ Styles Wins Via Styles Clash
Grade : C+
Opinion: The best way to kick off this era is to use the X-Division, Young fans wont know but the X- Division is what put TNA on the map. This match was simply used to showcase AJ Styles and did it in the right way.
We go backstage and we see Raven laying out everyone with weapons until security pulls him away. This came from the drama of him losing the NWA World Heavyweight Title.
2. Singles Match
Monty Brown Vs Local Talent
Monty Brown Wins Via The Pounce
Grade : Squash Match
Opinion : In 3 minutes they made Monty Brown look like the most destructive man on the planet, They are building the proper stars up for the new crowd and are doing it in the right way.
3. Triple Threat Match
Petey Williams Vs Alex Shelley Vs Chris Sabin
Chris Sabin Wins Via Cradle Shock On Alex Shelley, After the Match Petey Williams lays out Sabin with the Canadian Destroyer.
Grade: B-
Opinion: This right here is the definition of what the X-Division was all about. High speed high octane wrestling, This match stole the show and really showed fans a whole new style of pro wrestling. Sabin getting the win only for Williams to lay him out did some good story line work as they would continue their feud up until Bound For Glory.
4. Singles Match
Rhino Vs Jeff Hardy
Match ends in no contest when Abyss comes out to the ring and starts to attack both men. Now we see the 4th men in this feud Sabu appears on the ring and starts hitting Abyss with the chair which takes Abyss to the outside and Jeff Hardy dives after him. It ends with Jeff Hardy & Sabu standing tall.
Grade : C
Opinion : The match itself was average match between these 2 guys but the whole brawl really made things more intriguing and honestly made me go watch their monster ball match at Bound For Glory.
Jeff Jarrett & AMW come out to the ring to loud boos. Jarrett says He is the reason TNA got on Spike TV because he built TNA from the ground and has carried it on his back since day one. Jarrett Thanks AMW for helping him carry this company for over 3 years. Jeff Jarrett brings out the smartest Canadian in the world and he brings out Coach Scott D'Amore and he gets a even louder boo reaction. They talk about their master plan that got Jeff Jarrett his NWA Title back and Coach D'Amore since Jarrett owes him a favor in the future. Now we see 3 Live Krew come out and they call this boring and says TNA was built from the fans and not Jeff Jarrett or AMW. They run down to the ring and now we have a six man brawl but out comes Team Canada to help Jarrett & AMW. But out comes Team #D ( Formerly known as The Dudley Boys) making their TNA Debut and they clear the ring. Jeff Jarrett gets a way unharmed but out comes Kevin Nash making his TNA return and he hits Jarrett with the Jacknife Powerbomb.
Overall Show Grade : C+
Overall Show Opinion: Was this show perfect? No, not at all but it does its best job to expose itself to new fans on what they should expect. 2005 TNA was all about taking chances with matches like Monster Ball and Ultimate X. The crazy good X-Division and its great young wrestlers who will always steal the show. The main event scene isn't as good as WWE but it has a very unique feel with the likes of Jeff Jarrett, Kevin Nash, Rhino, & Monty Brown plus more. TNA 2005 had so much promise and it was one of the best times in the promotion.
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